Liz Dahlström

Studying computer science with a focus on web development. Based in the Gothenburg area.

About me



VibeDuck is a React application that generates playlists based on user input and offers a range of parameters.

  • ReactJs
  • JavaScript
  • MaterialUI
  • NodeJs
  • Firebase


This website was built while I was learning how to use NextJS and styled-components.

  • ReactJs
  • JavaScript
  • NextJs
  • styled-components


I created Ziggato as a side project along with my studies. I had used Wikipedia API for a uni project and wanted create a utility for a small Discord server used by myself and some friends...

  • JavaScript
  • NodeJs
  • PM2

Personal Web Desktop

An SPA that simulates a desktop that the user can open different windows and applications on.

  • ReactJs
  • JavaScript
  • Web Sockets


A selection of web/software development and operations technologies I have used and feel comfortable with.

  • Front-End

    React, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, MaterialUI

  • Back-End

    Node.js, Express, SQL, MongoDB

  • Languages

    JavaScript, Java, C#

About me

My name is Liz. I code stuff, mostly in JavaScript.

As a person I am quite tenacious, which is something that goes well with my love for problem-solving. I adore the creative process of building things. Not only software and applications- In my free time I like to play the guitar and keyboard, and experiment with music making. I am always working on some project trying to learn new things.


  • Introduction to Programming
  • Problem Solving and Programming
  • Programming and Data Structures
  • Web Technology
  • Client-based Web Programming
  • Individual Software Development Project
  • System Administration
  • Software Testing
  • Object Oriented Analysis and Design
  • Computer Game Production
  • Web Intelligence
  • Interaction Design